Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Something to think about

For a while now I have noticed that peoples blogs seem to focus on a main item whether it be organic eatting, breastfeeding, circumcision, organic gardening, and of course coupons! Well I love to read and I am a mom and since most of these blogs are written by mothers I read them...then I get upset because most of them have this total ere about them of making it seem that if you don't do these things you are a horrible mother and your children will eventually grow up to be frightened little people that will resent you forever! LOL!!!!! Like seriously?? Are we actually worried that someone later on in life is gonna come up to your kid and ask how long they were breastfed and our kid is gonna
 1. actually know how long they were or
 2. tell the kid how long and the other child is gonna be like "Oh my goodness your mom has ruined you and didn't love you as much as my mommy loves me!"
Or that  a child will come up to another one and tell them that what they are eating is horrible for them and tell them their parent is poisoning them slowly at which the poor child cries (yea this one I have actually witnessed at a party it was crazy hurtful and the poor  mom was just torn up.) I personally think the other mom is doing much more damage by allowing their child to be so hurtful and unloving.  Well I think that it was getting to me a little you know it isn't true but then wonder...

I was given such a relief today reading my Bible. Paul simply states in Galatians that in the end it doesn't matter wether you are circumcised or not (live by the law and rituals or not) what matters is if you believe that Christ died for us and that is the only law that is truely important. Well I believe that with all my heart. I also realized that these women who are so focused on do a great job with certain areas of their parenting (such as making sure their baby doesn't have ANY sugar) are lacking in other much more significant areas....you know like they are showing favortism to one child over another due to age or sex , or teaching their children that it is okay to put down other people for how they were raised, making themselves feel self important for doing the things they do, and most importantly not focusing on God first and silly trends and lifestyle after.

God wants us to try our best but you know what he knows we aren't perfect and thankfully he forgives! I believe that if the parents heart is focused on Him first, then spouse, then children and lastly self then He will bless that family. I know that He is not enjoying our picking on the little things that don't matter because they aren't glorifing to him they are just things that make US feel better about ourselfs and families.
I don't fault people for having strong beliefs in how they do things I mean you shouldn't do something unless you believe in it but don't put others down or teach your children that their is no other way. The only thing there is no other way to is God. God has our days numbered and how we eat and live does not shorten or lengthen them it only affects how we feel and live out those days. Something I struggle with sometimes as I look in the mirror and remember what I used to look like 10 years ago in highschool. I mean the fact I don't run every day or that I can't fit in my size 2's anymore shouldn't affect my walk with God. That is what I should be focused on right now and so that is what I am gonna be focused on. No more whinning or picking on myself or others. Just focusing on God and doing my best to raise my kids to be lights in this world.
So another thing I discovered is that I need to make sure my kids hear more about God and who he is and everything from me and Joe. We talk about the bible and we pray but I mean we need to make sure our kids know how to love like Jesus does and how to control their tempers and to show people respect. So that is what we are working on now I am very excited about this and I am praying for all the other mothers and wives out there trying to find a way to balance everything.

Yea so that is my ramblings today.

1 comment:

Jhenna said...

I completely agree Haley. Your so sweet and such a joy to have around :) I love your insight! Hope to see you soon!