Friday, January 28, 2011

God had other plans I guess

Today I was going to make some money by babysitting for Baby Caden and Ivy. This was making my kids super excited because it meant a day full of playing all sorts of fun things and I bought fun snacks that we usually don't get as a special treat for everyone and had made plans of taking the kids outside and working on the ABCs with Bug, Ivy and my Caden. I was all looking forward to it had even plans for the money I was going to make.  I tucked the kids into bed early so they would be well rested for our extremely fun day and all was well.

About 10 minutes after the kids were in bed though Caden came out of his room and informed me he had thrown up and frankly it grossed him out so I needed to clean him and his bed up. OOOOk then. He no longer freaks out when he gets sick so the whole ordeal was pretty painless except for the grossness of it and the fact that my poor little man was sick. He thankfully only got sick the once but coughed a lot and has a very nice congestion now. So after getting him all cleaned and tucked back into bed (on the floor since I refused to let him sleep on the loft bed in case he got sick again did freak out like he used to) I called Michelle and had to let her know what happened so she decided to take her little ones with her to her appointments of course instead of chancing them getting sick.

So today instead of the day we had planned we are instead having a very nice fun day of chilling on the couch with books, movies, and snuggle time. Tarzan right now is the movie of choice which is one of Caden's favorites.

I have to say that even though we had a fun day planned I guess God had a better plan because I will definitely take the spending time snuggling with my kiddos!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"But I wanna marry him!"

Lately my kids have been big into the whole pretending to be Mommy and Daddy game. Usually one will be the parent and the other will be the baby but some times they will be married and have their stuffed animals and dolls or even their blankets be their babies. So this has brought up many conversations of "Mommy you are married to Daddy right?" and "Grandpa is married to Grandma" and so on. Well that of course is followed but "When I get big I am going to be married too" which of course we say "If that is what God has planned of course you will!".

They already know who they are going to marry too. Yep that is right they decided they are going to marry each other. When I tried to explain that this just wasn't going to happen that God had a wonderful boy out there for Casey to marry that wasn't related to her...well this just caused her to cry. "But I wanna marry him!!" Then from Caden I hear "I want to marry her mom she is my best friend"  So I tried some more and thought I made some progress just to find out later from my mom that I broke my daughters heart because she told her Grandma "Mommy said I can't marry my broder. I have to marry another boy and then I will never see him again." Mom said she looked absolutely pathetic. So she gave it a try at explaining too. LOL

I find this hilarious and it is so going to be going in a keepsake book because later on when they are older and ready to kill each other I am going to remind them of  this : )

I love kids <3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Goals for 2011

I am totally stealing this from my cousin and his wife's blog. They decided to make a list of some goals that they wanted to accomplish in 2011 and I thought that was a good idea so here is a few things on my list.

1. Have a real quiet time with the Lord every day

2. Plant a garden (then actually keep it alive LOL)

3. Read at least one classic every month

4. Teach Casey to swim

5. Spend more time focusing on what is going on in my friends lives and what they need instead of being wrapped up in me

6. Keep a prayer journal so that I don't lose sight of the blessings that God has given even in the midst of trials

7. Have the kids send letters to their cousins once a month

That is all I have so far. A whole bunch of them pop into my head but I want them to be realistic. We have been learning a lot in church lately about what God calls us to do for others and how our lives should be reflecting Jesus. At this moment I am pretty sure I am lacking in many ways but He has brought to my attention a few ways that I can be more serving to to people who are around me every day. I am looking forward to seeing what all He opens my eyes too and pray that I will actually follow through with the actions.