Thursday, January 27, 2011

"But I wanna marry him!"

Lately my kids have been big into the whole pretending to be Mommy and Daddy game. Usually one will be the parent and the other will be the baby but some times they will be married and have their stuffed animals and dolls or even their blankets be their babies. So this has brought up many conversations of "Mommy you are married to Daddy right?" and "Grandpa is married to Grandma" and so on. Well that of course is followed but "When I get big I am going to be married too" which of course we say "If that is what God has planned of course you will!".

They already know who they are going to marry too. Yep that is right they decided they are going to marry each other. When I tried to explain that this just wasn't going to happen that God had a wonderful boy out there for Casey to marry that wasn't related to her...well this just caused her to cry. "But I wanna marry him!!" Then from Caden I hear "I want to marry her mom she is my best friend"  So I tried some more and thought I made some progress just to find out later from my mom that I broke my daughters heart because she told her Grandma "Mommy said I can't marry my broder. I have to marry another boy and then I will never see him again." Mom said she looked absolutely pathetic. So she gave it a try at explaining too. LOL

I find this hilarious and it is so going to be going in a keepsake book because later on when they are older and ready to kill each other I am going to remind them of  this : )

I love kids <3

1 comment:

Mrs. Deering said...

We've tried the logical route... doesn't really work though. We say that it's against the law to marry your sister or brother. :)
There are only so many "whys" you can answer.