Friday, July 15, 2011


We have had a very eventful summer so far!

Colorado was our big trip this year and we went with my mom and dad. When we were waiting to take off on our second flight my mom called my Honey and Papa to tell them that the flight had been late due to some problems they wouldn't tell us about and Papa informed her that Honey was very sick and couldn't even get out of bed. This was pretty shocking as we had just seen them that morning before we left but my mom told him to make sure he got her to the hospital right away! It turned out that Honey had a kidney infection that was so bad it had gone septic and was in her blood. She has Alzhimers and still lives with my Papa but my mom takes care of them but Honey and Papa had been hiding that she felt bad because of our trip. Mom wanted to come home right away but that couldn't happen and my Aunt was coming down with her family to take care of them anyway. So she came down a day earlier than expected. Mom was NOT happy about not being home but she also really enjoyed her vacation with all of us so it was definetly a time of mixed emotions for her. Especially when we got the call after Honey was home from the hospital that Papa had collapsed and was now in the hospital himself! AND my Grandpa (dads dad) was in the hospital because he broke his leg.

By the time we came back Papa and Honey were in much better shape and Aunt Janet had done a pretty good job being mom for a while LOL so well in fact mom asked her to move back but Aunt Janet said "No!"

My Aunt went home the 29th and my sister Heidi came in on the 4th of July for 10 days!

It was so much fun the kids had a great time with their cousin Anna and baby Brielle. We went to the mall, the outlet mall, the water park, and had lots and lots of family dinners. They left this morning to go back home to Dallas and I am not a happy camper at all to be sending my sister home.

I will hopefully have pictures and more on all of this a little later but for now this is the update so you know we didn't fall off the face of the planet.

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