Saturday, May 28, 2011

When is the sickness gonna leave!!

We are still sick at our house! I am sooooo done with being sick here. I thought we were getting over it. Bug was all better, Joe was healthy, I finished my meds and was just tired (but then I am ALWAYS tired) and Caden had fought to keep from getting it mostly. Then Thursday hit and Caden has a fever and cough started. Then just a cough. Then the fever again. He stops eating. Which if you know my son this is a big deal. He eats a TON! He prefers apples to candy but the kid will eat 4 apples before he says he is full then ask for another snack 5 minutes later so for him to say he is just not hungry it sent me into a little tailspin. He also actually fell asleep when I put him down for his nap yesterday. Again just doesn't happen. I still make him lay down for a rest because Bug takes a nap and he does better if he has his little "chill time" in bed for an hour with his books but yesterday when I went to check on him he was sound asleep. Those red flags went off again. Something was definitely up.

So today I took him to the doctor and found out he has croup. I am sorry he has WHAT?! isn't that what babies get?? My son is turning 5 in like 2 1/2 weeks and has never had that before in his life and I don't even know anyone who has had it! Well I guess you can get it at his age and he has it : ( I feel awful for him. He is enjoying me making him sleepy tea and getting other nice warm things to help calm down his voice box/ cords area so he doesn't stop breathing when he coughs. And it should only last 5 to 6 days so that is good.  We are also counting our blessings it isn't pneumonia or bronchitis.

It just means we will be under house arrest again this week so as to make sure no one else gets sick since he is contagious. Please keep him in your prayers and all our family as we leave in a little more than 2 weeks for our vacation we have been planing for over a year. I know colds aren't a big deal to travel with but we are flying and I couldn't imagine being a little kid with sore ears on an airplane!

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