Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The first part of our Disney trip!

Yes I got to take the kids to Disney!! It was totally awesome! The kids and I drove up on Friday morning with my mom and we went to the mall first. The kids got their pictures taken with Santa which was quite an expierence! Caden was in awe of him so he couldn't bring himself to smile. It was like he was hypntize by meeting him. Casey on the other hand thought the big man in the red suit was going to take her and never give her back so she totally freaked out and screamed like a little screaming monkey. It was really funny to see the two totally different reactions. We got the picture and it captured it perfectly! I grabbed Casey back and she quickly took her "bit" (blanket) and insterted her two finger in her mouth and sat there sucking them wide eyed while she calmed down.

After the mall we went to Downtown Disney!!! I LOVE it there it is awesome. Mom found a dress for Casey that was more than half off! It is a beautiful christmas Belle dress she won't be able to wear it for awhile but she will love it when she can. We all went to T-REX, a resturant like the Rainforest Cafe but with Dinosaurs all around, and Caden was soooooo excited. He loves dinos now and he just loved when they all came to life around him. Casey really enjoyed it too which surprised me I thought she would be more scared but she is fearless (except when it comes to Santa).

My Dad drove up that night to join us for the weekend but Joe had to work so he instead picked up extra hours on Saturday so we could get some over time since it is Christmas and we need the money.

Disney was amazing but this post is getting long so I will fill that in another day! Pictures will come when I can get my computer to work : )

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