Friday, February 27, 2009

Casey's new bed!

So for a little while now Casey has been telling us in her own little ways that she is ready for her toddler bed. She would pile up her stuffed animals so she could reach one of her shelves and she tried on many occasions to climb out of the crib. Well her little bed came yesterday and Mom and I put it together for her. This wasn't an easy thing since most of the screws didn't fit in the little holes they said they went in and there was like a zillion itsy bitsy teeny tiny screws that were nearly impossible to even hold on to. It took us three hours to put the bed together but I will say some of that was because Caden wanted to help so he got a little in the way and then Casey was not happy about having to wait in the Caden's room because I didn't want her getting any of the small pieces. I don't really know why she was so upset though because if I had taken the gate down she probably would have spent most of her time in there anyway but boy you put that gate up and my daughter doesn't like to be confined! Anyway three hours later the bed was finished and Casey was soooo excited. It was well worth the time and effort. The bed is adorable and Casey loves it so much.

Caden told me "Bug's bed is cool Mama!" so it won his approval which is big in Casey's book. They spent the remainder of the night playing in Casey's room which is now completely baby proofed and they took turns laying down in the bed and saying goodnight to each other. When the time came for her to go to bed for real I was a little nervous because she cried for two minutes straight but then just fell asleep in the bed. This might be because of the new bed but I think she was more over tired than anything else because she has only done the crying thing if I keep her up too late and it was an hour past her normal bed time. She slept all night long in the bed without getting out and running around so I think it was a success. I was surprised she didn't play more but she is different than Caden in that way I guess. This morning she came to her door and just played on the other side of it till Joe came to get her up and she wanted to show him her room since she didn't realize he had snuck into her room the night before to see her when he got home from work.

I took some pictures of her first time seeing the bed and you can totally tell how excited she was. Enjoy!

Casey's new bed

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