Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Goals for 2011

I am totally stealing this from my cousin and his wife's blog. They decided to make a list of some goals that they wanted to accomplish in 2011 and I thought that was a good idea so here is a few things on my list.

1. Have a real quiet time with the Lord every day

2. Plant a garden (then actually keep it alive LOL)

3. Read at least one classic every month

4. Teach Casey to swim

5. Spend more time focusing on what is going on in my friends lives and what they need instead of being wrapped up in me

6. Keep a prayer journal so that I don't lose sight of the blessings that God has given even in the midst of trials

7. Have the kids send letters to their cousins once a month

That is all I have so far. A whole bunch of them pop into my head but I want them to be realistic. We have been learning a lot in church lately about what God calls us to do for others and how our lives should be reflecting Jesus. At this moment I am pretty sure I am lacking in many ways but He has brought to my attention a few ways that I can be more serving to to people who are around me every day. I am looking forward to seeing what all He opens my eyes too and pray that I will actually follow through with the actions.


Jhenna said...

Oh Haley! I love your goals! Some of those are my goals as well!I think you will nail all of them! We have been learning a lot about caring for others and serving him more too! Phil 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. (one of my favorite verses.) We are going over this with Austin now. Helping him to learn to have a servants heart! Miss seeing you! Praying for you and the family!

Unknown said...

That is so cool that you mentioned Phil 2:3 because that is our memory verse this week! The kids have been working on it all week. I love that verse. Thanks for the prayers. See you tomorrow!!!

Jhenna said...

That's too funny! See you tomorrow! So excited that you can come!